Section: New Results

Synchronous Embedding of Antescofo DSL

Participants : Arshia Cont, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Florent Jacquemard.

Antescofo can been seen as the coupling of a listening machine and a real-time reactive system. Therefore, it faces some of the same major challenges as embedded systems. We have been working with Guillaume Baudart, Louis Mandel, and Marc Pouzet (EPI Parkas, ENS) in strengthening the ties between the reactive aspects of Antescofo and that of synchronous languages, in particular ReactiveML  [44] . In [17] , we present a synchronous semantics for the core language of Antescofo and an alternative implementation, based on an embedding inside the synchronous language ReactiveML  [44] . The semantics reduces to a few rules, is mathematically precise and leads to an interpretor of a few hundred lines whose efficiency compares well with that of the current implementation. On all musical pieces we have tested, response times have been less than the reaction time of the human ear. Moreover, this embedding permitted the prototyping of several new programming constructs. Some examples are available, together with the ReactiveML source code at http://reactiveml.org/emsoft13/ .